Digital X-Rays / Imaging
Digital technology is improving so many facets of our current lives that it is not surprising dentistry is one of them.
Digital X-rays differ from traditional X-rays most notably in that they reduce the amount of radiographic exposure to patients. Images are processed by a computer rather than a traditional film developer. Instantly after a digital x-ray is taken, it can be viewed on a computer screen. These images can be viewed in ways never possible and also stored conveniently on a computer file. Pictures can be enlarged, enhanced, and measure with appropriate computer software. What this means for patients is that doctors can now utilize the digital technology to better diagnose and treat dental problems.
Digital Imaging is also becoming an important part of cosmetic dentistry. Many times before, dentists would look in a patient's mouth and attempt to tell them about something no one could see but the dentist. With digital cameras, pictures can be taken and viewed in seconds so that education and communication with patients is now easier than ever. Patients can now understand what is going on in their mouths, and accordingly can make better decisions on how to maintain their oral health.
The digital camera is also an important part of communication and treatment for the dentist. We take many pictures of our patients and the work we do. When we create the smile of your dreams the digital camera helps us communicate with you and our acclaimed ceramists so that the results are flawless. Also, viewing before and after photos of our work helps you understand the difference in quality and excellence that we provide.